Free occupational therapy services for displaced persons.

The project offers free occupational therapy assessment and intervention services to adults, adolescents and children who are refugees, refugees with subsidiary protection or asylum seekers.

Services are offered at shelters for unaccompanied minors, semi-independent houses, community venues and a refugee reception center, in collaboration with UNHCR Cyprus and other governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Unaccompanied asylum-seeking teenagers and young adults are supported as they transition into adulthood and integrate into the social, cultural and economic environment of Cyprus. Occupational therapy students assess their needs, as they themselves express them. The needs that are identified concern participation in occupations, both in the community and at home. Interventions are organized at shelters for unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors and semi-independent houses, coordinated by Hope for Children CRC Policy Center.

Adult men and women participate in programs at the Kofinou Reception and Accommodation Center for Applicants for International Protection and the Nicosia Municipality Multifunctional Foundation to enhance the necessary skills for participation in daily life occupations in Cyprus, such as entering the job market.

Children have the opportunity to take part in interventions at the Nicosia Municipal Multifunctional Foundation and the Kofinou Reception and Accommodation Center for Applicants for International Protection with the aim to enhance participation in occupations at home, at school and in the community, through play.